ProteanArt safeguarding policy

This statement sets out a policy which requires all adults and helpers who seek to be involved with the delivery of ProteanArt workshops and activities to accept the duty to safeguard the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable people, and to prevent physical, sexual and emotional abuses of all children with whom they come into contact.

ProteanArt recognises the need to demonstrate to parents, to the wider community and to young people themselves, the importance we give to the child protection issue.

This means that we do not countenance any form of physical violence or abuse, whether committed by or inflicted upon either adults or young people. It also means that we do not countenance verbal insults or destructive criticism. ProteanArt encourages respect for others’ background, appearance, personality, abilities, opinions or preferences. Adults must accept the responsibility to exercise due care in all activities, so that young people are not exposed to risk through adult negligence or incompetence.

Child Protection requires good child care and good group-work practice.

Child Protection Policy

Protecting children involved with ProteanArt

All our tutors have completed a DBS search and have signed a copy of both our Child Protection Statement and Policy.

This statement sets out a policy which requires the organisation, and all adults who seek to be involved in ProteanArt, to accept the duty to safeguard the welfare of children and young people, and to prevent physical, sexual and emotional abuses of all children with whom they come into contact. This policy document will be made available to:

  • All adults working with ProteanArt

  • All adults involved in activities with children and young people

  • All parents and local supporters of ProteanArt

  • To all other interested parties

A Child Protection Policy for ProteanArt

1.1 ProteanArt recognises the need to demonstrate to parents and to the wider community the importance we give to the child protection issue. We are committed to procedures and philosophies which have been developed to protect children themselves, but which also protect adults from misunderstandings and false accusations of abuse.

1.2 In our work with children and young and vulnerable people, we respect and defend their individual rights.

1.3 This means that we do not countenance any form of physical violence or abuse, whether committed by or inflicted upon either adults or young people.
It also means that we do not countenance verbal insults or destructive criticism. ProteanArt encourages respect for others’ background, appearance, personality, abilities, opinions or preferences. It means that adults must accept the responsibility to exercise due care in all activities, so that young people and vulnerable people are not exposed to risk through adult negligence or incompetence.

Child Protection requires good child-care and good group-work practice.

2. Vetting of adults working with children

2.1 All adults who wish to work with children and young people during ProteanArt activities are required to provide an existing DBS, or work alongside a member of staff who is DBS checked.
It is also important that a reference is sought from a person who knows the applicant before they start working with children. If the reference causes any doubts, Proteanart reserves the right to make further verbal or written contact with the referees before the Adult can work with children in the organisation. If a Disclosure or reference gives sufficient cause applicants will not be allowed to work with children or young or vulnerable persons.
Adults who work or have contact with children will be asked to declare any criminal convictions they may have which involve abuse against children, however old these convictions may be. This is an exemption from the provisions of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974.

2.2 All adults who have responsibilities for children must abide by this policy document.
All Adults will be expected to sign an application form including a declaration that they have no such convictions or criminal proceedings pending which relate to alleged abuse of children.

2.3 All materials relating to the application will be held centrally, carefully and in confidence.

3. Tutor’s role in child protection

3.1 All adults working with ProteanArt are provided with clear descriptions and specifications for their work, and they will complete a probationary period of 3 workshop sessions.

4. Planning to minimise risk to children

4.1 ProteanArt activities are organised to reduce to a minimum those situations within which it may be possible for children, young people and vulnerable people to be abused.
4.2 The following guidelines are followed during all ProteanArt activities:

The following code of conduct must be followed by all staff and volunteers

Staff should treat everyone, including all children and vulnerable adults, equally, with 
respect and dignity.

before achieving goals

Staff should not misuse their power over children Physicalcontactshouldbeminimal,timelimitedandageappropriate

Staff should not offer to transport children

Staff should not engage in personal communication with children, such as email or telephone or through social networking sites.

Staff should aim to protect young people online, no staff must connect with children or young people on social media from their personal accounts.

All social media activity for projects, events and exhibitions will be directed through official accounts.

Create a protective and safe environment.

Staff should work in partnership with children,young people and vulnerable adults to empower them in appropriate decision-making

Staff should give enthusiastic and constructive feedback, rather than negative criticism

Adults should avoid being left alone with a single child/vulnerable adult, and maintain professional behaviour at all times. Management arrangements should be designed to avoid this situation and all staff carry a responsibility for vigilance in this regard, other than in the case of an emergency .

Groups should be aware of how they use premises for group activities. Most activities are based on group work, but if there is the need for an adult to work with an individual child, it is better that this is organised in clear view of the rest of the group.

Confidential data that is collected on children including addresses, dietary needs, medical conditions etc. should be treated in confidence and with respect and should be shared between adults only on a need-to-know basis.

Written reports are required for any significant incidents, and any such reports on serious incidents must be sent to ProteanArt Administration.

Tutors will ensure that workshop environments are safe, will have completed a risk assessment.

Children under 18 must not be photographed where they cannot be identified. Photographs with permission may be taken of hands doing artwork and of artwork only.

Any photographs taken of adults must be taken with permission and be of hands creating art work and artwork only.

5. Responding To Concern About Possible Abuse Of A Child

5.1 ProteanArt is not a children’s counselling agency and adults working with ProteanArt should not be required to explore issues of abuse with children. However, it is possible that children and young people will take advantage of the trusting atmosphere during ProteanArt activities to disclose or describe abuse which is affecting them. Adults should be clear and honest in explaining that such information cannot be kept as a secret and that other agencies will have to be involved. It is sensible to keep individual notes which may seem to be relevant.

5.2 If an abuse is disclosed or alleged which identifies an adult or another young person in ProteanArt as the alleged perpetrator, it is important that this is responded to quickly and seriously. A consultation with the local child protection services should be made in the first instance and then a report made to ProteanArt Administration.

5.3 If the abuse seems to emanate from the young person’s home, it is most important that an appropriate external agency is contacted and that the matter is not dealt with internally within ProteanArt.

6. Resources available to adults working with ProteanArt and activity participants

6.1 The telephone number, email and website addresses of Child Line and local Child Protection Officers.
6.2 The name of a suitable person with whom they could put the child or young person in contact or to whom they could turn to for help.

The independent external welfare officer is:
Mrs Sam Phillips (Director of Youth Net, Stafford)

Contact details:
The Youth Net
Asbury House
Merrey Road
ST17 9LX
01785 242631

0800 1111
Online go to First response
or call 0800 1313 126
Monday to Thursday 8.30am to 5.00pm
Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm


Emergency duty team
0345 604 2886
Out of office hours:
Monday to Thursday 5.00pm to 8.30am
Friday 4.30pm until Monday 8.30am
Bank Holidays